Commemorate the 80th Anniversary of D-Day with New Orleans Glassworks & Printmaking Studio!

Students participating in the 2024 Summer Technical Workshop will have the opportunity to create messages to attach to the pigeon’s ankles while they race at 8am on June 6, the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

Members of the public are invited to join this event and witness the pigeon liftoff. Please meet at our Studio located at 727 Magazine Street at 7:45am SHARP on Thursday.

We hope this fascinating and unique event will inspire our students while they create in our Glassblowing, Torchworking, Metal Sculpture, Ceramics, Printmaking, & Architectural Sculpture Studios!

Please enjoy this article from about the Crescent City Carrier Race!

If you would like more information about the 2024 Summer Technical Workshop for Young Adults (ages 9-19) or the Pigeon Liftoff, please Contact Us.