727 Magazine Street

School & College Field Trips

Where science meets art!

Hands-on tours and activities tailored for students of all grade levels, preschool through college.

Education Tours

Since inception, the New Orleans Glassworks & Printmaking Studio has specialized in educating students of all ages in glass, print, and metal. Following thirty years of collaborative endeavors with higher education, independent and academic research, and foremost, the actual development, implementation, and refinement of our internal educational programming, the New Orleans Glassworks & Printmaking Studio offers the strongest educational interactive tours for glass, metal, and print in all of the Gulf Coast region.

Our faculty of master-craftsmen entice students with breathtaking narrated demonstrations, concreting knowledge by way of hands-on learning activities that traverse diverse studios and interactive scientific experiments, further reinforced by engaging with industry-experts.

Our field trips furnish developmentally-appropriate, education-driven activities contemplating topics in chemistry, history, and technology. School tours have undergone thorough engineering to synthesize individual discovery with team problem-solving.

Fusing art with education, hands-on with technical knowledge—youths from your school or organization, amidst so much fun, may forget how much they are learning!

Teachers are not excluded! We have designed our curricula to ensure teacher involvement – and learning – is commensurate with that of the students'. We have tailored tour content and learning into valuable educational resources that dovetail our hot shop studio floor with your classroom.

How to book: If you would like more information about an education event, please Contact Us. Make sure to include potential dates (Field Trips are run on Monday, Wednesday, Friday) and the number of students you would like to bring. Please keep in mind: we need AT MINIMUM 3 weeks notice to book an event.

Example of a Fiber Optic Pull
