Introduction to Relief - Linoleum
Introduce yourself to the relief printmaking process through a study in diptych. Students will carve two, 8”x10” linoleum blocks with consideration to how the two »
Introduce yourself to the relief printmaking process through a study in diptych. Students will carve two, 8”x10” linoleum blocks with consideration to how the two »
We are happy to offer three new 2-hour short courses in Printmaking: Monoprinting & Paper Marbling Bookbinding: Make & decorate your own Journal Letterpress Valentine's Day »
We are now registering for our Introduction to Screenprinting two-week course! Students will receive one-on-one instruction in non-emulsion screenprinting. Through the use of paper stencils, screen-filler, »
December is the time to enjoy decorating for the holiday season! What better time than to enjoy a hands-on glassblowing adventure with family and friends designing »
Please contact us about gift certificates: http://neworleansglassworks.com/contact-us »